Tuesday, June 11, 2013

This video is not acceptable!

Hello everyone!
Above is a video about the Top 5 Worst Cosplay costumes this video was done by a Lisa Foiles who was judging other cosplayer costumes. Which I don't think this is acceptable behavior to say something to down grade someone else rather they are in costumes or in normal cloths or even the way they look or weight, this video has showed her true colors.Who is she to judge cosplayers when yet she is not in costume to know how much it takes of your inner self to wear the costume in front of others, the courage and creatively of cosplayers is something that prove being brave has its own rewards. Yea Im not a skinny cosplayer but I am a cosplayer and I do demand respect and saying something about my weight or my looks or even my costumes it still falls under my past post Cosplay Does Not Give Consent.

A) You do not walk in my shoes to know how I feel,  you judge me based on my looks ,weight,costume when yet I could be an awesome person to know.
B) I am willing to help anyone beginner or pro with there costumes, if any one of my readers ever had a question or needed help with cosplay. I will help them in any way I can.

Lisa Foiles should never speak about Cosplay since she does not know the true meaning of Cosplay.
I know that this has caused an issue with cosplayers due to it comes down to the line of respect for others.

For my readers sorry about this but I think that anyone who loves to cosplay should know that any cosplay that you build for your self ,you should never be a shamed of it! Stand Strong for Cosplay!

Thanks for Reading until next time Just Keep Swimming .          

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