Friday, June 14, 2013

Mera's Water Weapon update

Hello everyone! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day.

                                                             Reminder this is not all the way complete , I still have to do some hot gluing to make the water closer to the ornaments but before I glue I have to decide where I want to put the small LED's lights and also I am still deciding rather I should or shouldn't color the ornaments blue too.  

                                                           This is with it kinda  lit up with a LED flash light just to give me an idea how it is going to look.
                                                      So Far it looks awesome since I've never seen anything like this for a Costume prop. So my character will all the way be something new and different from the norm.

If you are interested in making one of these or anything like this please send me a personal message / or even if you have any questions about cosplay and I'll let  you in on my secrets, again I am willing to help anyone and everyone with there cosplay costumes and props all you need to do is ask.

Thank you again for Reading until next time Just Keep Swimming!

Pray for Colorado the state has been going though fires.

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