Monday, June 24, 2013

Dragon eyes!

Hello Everyone!

So I decided to just out of no were  to make dragon eyes, I love making stuff with the clear polyester casting resin. I am not sure what I going to do with them. Maybe necklaces and bracelets ect.

Above is some painting pallets that I used for my molds I put the resin in and let it cure. After letting it cure put in the freezer let it chill the resin then tap the painting pallets until resin comes out.  

This is the back of the eye (Flat side) where I painted my dragon and after let it dry. I changed color and and painted around the black.

This is how it looks in the front 

And this is what I designed today , they still need to be sanded to get a clear look to them but so far it looks awesome! Sorry if some of my pictures are cloudy. 

Thanks for reading until next time Just Keep Swimming!  

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