Sunday, June 9, 2013

Mera's cosplay prop (Aqua's Mans Wife)

So I started on my next new cosplay at least the weapon prop at this time, we are still waiting for my concept Art to be done by Comic Artist Matt Campbell, who is trying to improve Mera's outfit since AquaMan looked awesome in the Injustice God Among Us Game. I thought why can't Mera have an awesome new look to her too. The reason why I wanted to do a water prop is, well Aqua Man and Mera control the Sea and while AquaMan has his trident what can Mera have, A water weapon!  

Since this prop is not done ,I am and will make a list of all the things I used in the making of this prop when I am finished. 

Thanks For Reading , until next time Just Keep Swimming!

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