Thursday, May 16, 2013

Movie review update Star Trek and quick outfit !!

So last night my fiance and I went to see the special release of the Star Trek Into Darkness . I have to say it was amazing! I enjoyed the first one as well as this one. I also was planning on dressing up for this movie like a Trekkie  but I ran out of time, so I decided to make some thing up the day before the movie with a old corset and a bra , its kinda a star, galaxy mix with the blue for medical doctor. I think it turned out nice for a quick design. Don't mind the bathroom surroundings since it was late at night I just took this picture just to show everyone, that even with only one day to try to make something kool and nice for a opening night movie  it still turned out better then I though it would. Yes its not my best work but hey it works.
 Thanks for reading until then Just keep Swimming!!

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