Sunday, August 18, 2013

Secret surprise costume!!

Hello Everyone!!
So I have found a costume I am overly excited for, unlike all my other costumes this one I am not saying who the character is until it is all the way finished however I will be taking pictures of the costume in parts and pieces. Just to show the progress I am making on this costume. Now I am working with foam for right now but I might build it again in or cover the foam in Wonderflex. This is my first time building with foam on an armor suit unlike my fiance who has worked and built an Iron Man suit out of foam , he is my teacher.

                                                                          Before , Just Templates and Foam
Can anyone guess so far of what it is? 

Keep checking back on more images on this surprise costume and an update on Mera's Costume, also soon to come a Star Wars Character.
Until Next Time Just Keep Swimming!!  

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