Tuesday, August 27, 2013

surprise secret costume update

Hello Everyone!
I hope you all are doing good. I haven't posted in a while since I've been working my tail off and so excited to hopefully finish this secret costume soon. So down below is some of what I have half way done or starting on. Can you figure it out yet????

Above-Bra made out of worbla 

 If you don't know what character it is , don't worry soon some of the costume will be painted so that might help.

However the update on Mera is a slow process since I have to order scale mail soon.

Until Next time Just keep Swimming!!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Secret surprise costume!!

Hello Everyone!!
So I have found a costume I am overly excited for, unlike all my other costumes this one I am not saying who the character is until it is all the way finished however I will be taking pictures of the costume in parts and pieces. Just to show the progress I am making on this costume. Now I am working with foam for right now but I might build it again in or cover the foam in Wonderflex. This is my first time building with foam on an armor suit unlike my fiance who has worked and built an Iron Man suit out of foam , he is my teacher.

                                                                          Before , Just Templates and Foam
Can anyone guess so far of what it is? 

Keep checking back on more images on this surprise costume and an update on Mera's Costume, also soon to come a Star Wars Character.
Until Next Time Just Keep Swimming!!  

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

What Do you think of this?????

Hello Everyone!! 
Here is a video of Heroes of Cosplay TV show. What do you think of it? To be truthful i'm a little in different about it, This TV show makes cosplay sound like a competition of who makes the best of the best , which what happened to it just being someone else and having fun. I don't know what to think of it. It's a Love and Hate Relationship with me.

Please Share your comments or ideas below, I would Love to hear from you!

Thanks for Reading Until Next Time Just Keep Swimming!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Mera update

Hello everyone, here is an update Mera's skirt is finished, so is the crown and the gauntlets/arm armor. 

Above Mera belt buckle
Gauntlets are made out of Wonderflex , paint is rub n buff
I will be doing a Worbla Vs Wonderflex  very soon. 

Thanks for checking back until Next Time Just Keep Swimming! 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Just checking in

Hello Everyone!
I'm just checking in, been very busy with other small projects. Soon I will be posting updated projects and hopefully new projects. Keep checking back updates posted very soon!!! Also will soon be opening a Cosplay facebook pg!

Until next time Just Keep Swimming!!